Patients of schizophrenia need a prolonged course of treatment, in many cases, throughout their life. In such cases, the care givers of these patients have really a tough time to understand the disease and the patients, to continue the treatment and at the same time, be a part of the society, which they live in. For this, they need to develop a strong mind set which would enable them to cope up with the situation they are required to face. A deep thought was given over the issue and finally we arrived at a conclusion that a continued counseling in the form of group discussions and group meetings would be of immense help to the caregivers.

With this idea in mind, a regular monthly meeting of the caregivers of the patients of schizophrenia was scheduled every 2nd Sunday, in the hospital auditorium, sometime in 1999. The attendance and the response gathered a momentum over a period of time and many times the number used to hit the figure of 50. The participants used to share their views and experiences among others and get a moral strength and a positive attitude and approach towards the issue.

In one such meeting, a thought came forward to establish a regular Trust of these like-minded people and to undertake activities in the interest of the patients, in a more planned and focused way. Marathon discussions were held and finally the registered trust under the name and style-`Schizophrenia Swasthya and punarvasan pratishthan was registered on 27th March 2003, with registration number Mah 274/03.

The aims and objects of the Trust were very clear, focused and result oriented.

      1. Counseling of the patients.
      2. Counseling and training of the care givers of the patients (close relatives)
      3. Arrange workshops / training programs, for the patients.
      4. Arrange camps, seminars at various places, to create awareness in the Society, about the mental illness.
      5. Prepare audio visual programs for social education.
      6. Arrange lectures/speeches of eminent personalities in the field for the benefit of patients.
      7. Searching suitable jobs for the patients.
      8. To identify various activities that can be undertaken by the patients.
      9. To reach to the people through media with the activities undertaken as also proposed in future.
      10. To contact various organizations working in this field at other places from time to time, in the interest of the patients’ betterment.

Right from its inception, the activities undertaken include the following ones:-

      • Lectures of eminent psychiatrists
      • Lectures of eminent psychologists
      • Conducting workshops
      • Special screening of feature films based on the this disease
      • Deputing the active workers to different places to attend the workshops being conducted there
      • Celebrating the world Schizophrenia Day every year with some theme and participation of the patients and parents
      • Helping the improved patients to get some gainful occupation and stand on their own.

Over the years, 100s of families could stand united against this dreaded illness to support their patient and see him or her improving and this was exactly what was dream of while starting this mission.